Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans
Best Action Movie

A Thousand Smiles

Never stop smiling because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. Smiling sometimes hurts but it is better than frowning.


It is funny how the soul of a person is seen in the picture of themselves...

Welcome 2 My Mind

My mind tends 2 wander and sometimes wander deep but how can i be with my mind when I am constantly dragging my feet?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Places 2 go...

~~~Place 4 a Date~~~ It is quiet and peaceful and beautiful. A great place 2 hang out and hold hands while walking on the Trail. :) They also have an exhibit and they have some wildlife in tanks (nurse shark, blowfish, etc...) They also provide kayak tours, canoe tours, also Weddings!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Nightmare Before Christmas

~~~Anyone who knows me knows how much of a Nightmare fan I am so I have 2 dedicate @ least 1 post 2 him ;) The Pumpkin King aka Jack Skellington. I give this movie 5 stars!!!! I have a huge collection of random stuff from this movie. I love Tim Burton's work, he himself is an extraordinary Director. This is Halloween, This is Halloween pumpkins scream in the dead of night........ ;)

Restaurant of Choice

**** I recommend anyone who has not eaten here please go eat here**** They have one @ Bayside and now in Ft. Lauderdale!!!!****The Best damn food ;)**** I guarantee it!!!****

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goodbye, I mean See You Later

I have this very special friend that everytime we speak he always tells me See You Later as opposed to Goodbye cause he feels that Goodbye is too sad like. Lol... So now everytime I speak 2 him I always try 2 remember 2 say See You Later. But I never thought it like that before but its true....See if u can remember 2 say that instead of Goodbye! ;) I dedicate this post 2 him!!! Love U Sweetie!!!

When U Cry

I have 2 be honest, 2 me Crying relieves me. There is something about watching a person cry that makes me wanna cry as well. Just watching them cry, it's like their eyes tell of a tragedy or of something beautiful. Because let's be honest, we don't always necessarily cry when we are experiencing pain but when we are happy, sad, get it. The tears actually cleanse the eyes and clean them when u cry, just a lil FYI Lol...Sometimes it's just easier 2 cry than 2 do anything else! Crying sometimes feels like you have a personal raincloud inside of you and when disturbed by emotions can cause it 2 either rain or downpour. But true friends can make u laugh while ur crying and others can paint a rainbow after the storm ;)

These birds were photographed by me and I would like 2 add how beautiful and romantic and peaceful they look. I was inspired by this photograph of how Love looks like in animals. Aren't they cute? ;)

New in Town

A funny story follows this pic. One of the best times. A group of us had gone skating to Boomers and we were leaving and something funny got said and i actually spit the soda out from laughter all over my friends. i felt so bad of course but i apologized but it was so funny cause it was so unexpected. ;) good times though!

The If, Why

If falling makes me stronger

Why does my Heart beat weak?

If I am made to smile

Why does it hurt to Breathe?

If crying cleanses the Soul

Why do I feel Broken inside?

If I am made to be Forgiven

Why can't I Forget the lies?

If I am reaching out to You

Why would you Turn away?

If I have not Judged you

Why would you Consider me a mistake?

And if I stop to Pray

Why would you Hate me?

If I have seen you passed your Faults

Why is it me that you Still blame?