Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans
Best Action Movie

A Thousand Smiles

Never stop smiling because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. Smiling sometimes hurts but it is better than frowning.


It is funny how the soul of a person is seen in the picture of themselves...

Welcome 2 My Mind

My mind tends 2 wander and sometimes wander deep but how can i be with my mind when I am constantly dragging my feet?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Places 2 go...

~~~Place 4 a Date~~~ It is quiet and peaceful and beautiful. A great place 2 hang out and hold hands while walking on the Trail. :) They also have an exhibit and they have some wildlife in tanks (nurse shark, blowfish, etc...) They also provide kayak tours, canoe tours, also Weddings!!!